La miniera di Rosas nel panorama dell’industria estrattiva della Sardegna del XX secolo


  • Annalisa CARTA


mines, Rosas, workers, development, sacrifice


Rosas mine is an important site located in Narcao, in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias, south-west Sardinia. In 1832 Gasparo Perpignano discovered a massive deposit of lead and zinc which prompted him to apply for the exploitation grant. Rosas was within the industrial context of its time and, despite its location in a suburban area, played a fundamental historical, technical and sociological role, allowing an area that had lived mainly on farming and agriculture before to meet with technical innovation and progress. This essay article deals with the history of the mine, analysizing the changes in its ownership, highlighting its social and technical evolution and enhancing some aspects concerning safety and accidents at work.





FOCUS - Miniere e attività estrattiva in Sardegna nel XX secolo