I Pernis: una famiglia di imprenditori cagliaritani di origine svizzera e l’attività consolare svolta nel capoluogo sardo tra Ottocento e Novecento


  • Giuliano ZANDA


Josias Pernis, Peter Pernis, Eugenio Pernis, William Pernis, Romulus Henry Pernis, Benvenuto Pernis, Norvegia and Consulates of Sweden, Great Britain, United States of America, the Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari


This essay is about the business and consular activity carried out by the Swiss Josias Pernis and his family in Sardinia. He arrived on the island at the beginning of the 19th century, later becoming one of the most outstanding entrepreneurs in Cagliari; for several decades he was consul of United Kingdom and vice-consul of Sweden and Norway. He was one of the protagonists of the economic development of Sardinia and in particular one of the leading businessmen in the wine trade. He was also the chairman of various institutions, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the National Bank and General Stores. The exercise of consular functions over forty years strengthened his position as an entrepreneur. His sons and grandsons were in charge with the consular activities during the 20th century.





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