La emigración desde la isla de Ibiza a Argelia en los años treinta del siglo XX a través de una fuente inédita del Arxiu Històric d’Eivissa


  • Martino CONTU


Documentary and iconographical sources of emigration, Emigration, Ibicencan or Balearic Emigration, Book - Registro de Emigración, Ibiza, Algeria, Argentina


This essay deals with the few documentary sources on emigration concerning Ibiza Island; such registers were held by the Ibiza town council and are preserved at the Arxiu Històric d'Eivissa (AHE). The most relevant one is the Registro de Emigración (emigration registry), containing the list of Ibizans who emigrated to Algeria and, to a lesser extent, to Argentina between 1933 and 1935. In addition to the name and surname of the emigrant, it provides additional information on paternity and maternity, age, marital status, place of birth and residence, occupation, expatriation request form, the departure port and the scheduled return date. The registry is also of particular interest because each individual file shows a passport photo of the citizen.





FOCUS - Emigrazione balearica in Algeria, Assistenza agli emigrati sardi e Turismo della memoria in Brasile