The swan song before its journey to the spiritual lake. Homage to the fireworks of Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlveda





Introduction. There is a long-standing belief - already popularised in Ancient Greece, around the 3rd century BC - that these birds sing a beautiful song just before they die, after having been silent for most of their lives. Let this metaphorical allusion be a reason to exalt the beautiful song (read the editorial work of Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlveda -JGES-) from where he so beautifully, dialectically, contextually and controversially sang, dialogued, advised and wrote. Objective. To make an initial approach to the work of Swan -JGES- mediated intersubjectively by peers through the opening of Inclusiones and the Cuadernos de Sofía, in an Andean-Caribbean dialogue. Methodology. Qualitative and comprehensive approach, focused on getting to know/understand some of the vital areas of the editorialist who summons us, from the case study method, given its versatility and usefulness to analyse both simple and complex issues. Results. In principle, the graphical writing of the present text is to be obtained as a half-open door of entry to the vast work and contribution in the complex - and often complicated - world of editorial work and consultancy, in a group or individual way developed by JGES; subsequently, in another stage of the work, more thorough and profound, the





DOSSIER - Studi, contributi e ricordi in onore di Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlveda