Environmental conflicts and territorial movements: the case of energy production and land use in Sardinia in a sociological survey from 2006- 2014


  • Maria Grazia CUGUSI




Placing a certain value on the land ⎼as refers to its history and development plans⎼ is a complex issue indeed, which raises some problems when it comes to decide upon land use. Past decisions in this regard have quite often revealed themselves as being rather weak. There is a current discussion in Sardinia whether to pursue or not the exploitation of the land for the construction of facilities intended for energy production from renewable sources. Building those facilities or not is a major subject of controversy between those who highlight its multiple downsides out of environmental and landscaping considerations, and those who outline the advantages brought by this type of energy, evidenced by its designation as “clean energy source”. This essay relies on the analysis of the local press and the way public opinion has been informed about the decisions made on energy production issues. The purpose herein is to map the main socio-environmental conflicts arisen in the island following the presentation of projects concerning renewable energy facilities.





FOCUS - Indagini sociologiche sul mercato illecito dell’eroina e sui conflitti ambientali in Sardegna, con uno sguardo storico-archivistico sui fondi documentari del «Monte di Pietà e Redenzione» di Malta