Profili politico-diplomatici del trattato di amicizia, commercio e navigazione tra Regno di Sardegna e Repubblica Orientale dell’Uruguay del 29 ottobre 1840


  • Gianluca BORZONI


Diplomatic and consular relations between Uruguay and Italy, Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between the Kingdom of Sardinia and Uruguay, rapports Sardinia – Uruguay


This essay offers a framework of historical-diplomatic aspects of the treaty signed on the 29th October 1840. It recalls how interested the Court of Turin was in recognizing the Uruguayan Republic, showing the cordiality of the atmosphere between the two parts. A following detailed analysis of the contents will underline the remarkable significance of the agreement both from a diplomatic-commercial and political point of view: a milestone for a long-run path of stable and valuable friendship.





DOSSIER - Atti del convegno internazionale 1840-2010 SARDEGNA – URUGUAY. Dai 170 anni di amicizia e di rapporti...