Historical profile of the Carloforte Tuna Fishery between the 16th and 20th centuries
Tuna fishery, tuna fisheries and fish packaging, tuna tariffs, sea pollution, parliamentary commission for tuna fisheriesAbstract
This short essay provides a historical background of the tuna fishing facilities in Sulcis, from their settlement from the 16 th century onwards, to the big economic problems encountered in the 19 th century, due to an exorbitant duty imposed on tuna products as compared to the same products imported from abroad, and to sea pollution coming from the mineral washing plants based on the coast, across the tuna passage routes. A brief explanation is also given on the economic and anthropological impact that the tuna fishing facilities had on the coastal towns and, in particular, on the community of Carloforte.Downloads
DOSSIER - Un’epopea mediterranea. Gli italiani alla pesca del tonno
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