The pre-unitary Italian emigration in Uruguay through the Uruguayan consular sources (1850-1851)


  • Martino CONTU



Italian emigration in Uruguay, Kingdom of Sardinia, pre-unitary Italian Kingdoms, lists of emigration, Uruguayan consular sources on the emigration, Archivo General de la Nación of Montevideo


The article proposes the transcript of eleven unpublished lists of passengers coming from the Kingdom of Sardinia and from other pre-unitary Italian Kingdoms, that are embarked by the harbors of Genoa and Savona, in Liguria, direct to Montevideo and, in smaller measure, to Buenos Aires, in the years 1850 -1851. The documents are compiled from the General Consulate of Uruguay to Genoa and from the Vice Uruguayan Consulate to Savona and they are guarded to the Archivo General de la Nación of Montevideo. Such sources allow to trace a picture, even if very partial and limited in the time, of the characteristics of the direct Italian migratory flow in Uruguay, with news detailed on the countries of origin, the age and the profession of every embarked passenger.





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