Similitudini e differenze dell’emigrazione insulare mediterraneea nei secoli XIX e XX. Un confronto tra le isole maggiori del Mediterraneo occidentale e le piccole isole d’Elba, Malta, Ponza, San Pietro e Formentera


  • Martino CONTU


Insular migratory patterns, Mare Nostrum islands, insularity, Latin America, comparison between islands


Insular Mediterranean emigration models between 1800 and 1900 reflected many similarities and many differences, determined by the insularity, the smaller or larger size of the insulae, the political and geographic situation of the Mediterranean and, particularly, demographic, social, economic and political factors which drove thousands of islanders to leave their "reefs" for other destinations including beyond the Mediterranean in faraway lands such as Oceania and Latin America. It is worth noting that said insular flows follow Mediterranean patterns which encompass all of the Mare Nostrum islands. The essay ends with an analysis and comparison between the migratory patterns of some Italian insular realities (Elba, Ponza and San Pietro), Spanish insular realities (Formentera) and Maltese insular realities (Malta and Gozo) with a special focus on the flows towards Latin America.





I PARTE - L’emigrazione insulare mediterranea: il quadro generale