Anti-fascists filed and martyrs of nazism:the case of Iglesias


  • Simone CARA


Anti-fascism, mines, Sutri, Gonnesa, Iglesias, Sulcis Iglesiente


Under Fascism in Sardinia, the mining area of Sulcis Iglesiente represented a special case: this essay emphasizes the dynamics that have marked the history of antifascism in the Iglesiente, emphasizing the relationship between the evolution of the local political context and the contrast to the fascist regime, gained during the Fascist period, reaching its peak in World War II and in the dramatic liberation from Nazi pages. I wish to provide an original interpretation on the contribution provided by the men of the Iglesiente to Italian anti-fascist front, fighting for the values of freedom and democracy in the local and national scene.





FOCUS - L’antifascismo in Sardegna e fuori dall’isola: il caso di Iglesias e dei guspinesi C.Martis e P.Degioannis