I centri residenziali e semiresidenziali di terapie psichiatriche. Analisi delle strutture che operano nella ASL n. 6 (2006-2010)


  • Manuela PIANO
  • Michela TUVERI


residential and semi-residential health care, Family Homes, Day Care Centre, mental illness, psychiatry, ASL 6 Sanluri, diagnostic classes, operators, number of hours


This essay provides a descriptive and analytical understanding of both residential and semi-residential health facilities operating in the territory of the Local Health Unit ASL n. 6 (Sanluri) in charge with therapeutic rehabilitation programmes for the mentally disturbed. With a specific reference to 2006-2010, the main features of the population involved into Family Homes, Help groups and Day Care Centre are analyzed on the basis of residence, gender, age, education and occupation. Particular attention is given to the study of diagnostic classes, operators' professional profiles and the working hours-per-employee rates.





DOSSIER - Salute pubblica e salute mentale nel Medio Campidano (Sardegna) tra XIX e XXI secolo