Ricoveri ospedalieri e disturbo bordeline di personalità nel Centro di Salute Mentale di Sanluri


  • Alessandro CONI
  • Costanzo FRAU


Borderline Personality Disorder, hospital admissions, Sanluri’s Mental Health Center


Patients with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are characterized by intense emotions, unstable interpersonal relationships and self-destructive acting out. It is mainly the latter that makes their treatment complicated. These individuals are hospitalized with a very high frequency, particularly when the therapy which they follow is not structured to reduce their acting out. When evidence-based psychotherapeutic models are not followed in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder patients get into the vicious cycle of admissions, resulting in a negative prognosis and also representing a huge cost for the public health system.





DOSSIER - Salute pubblica e salute mentale nel Medio Campidano (Sardegna) tra XIX e XXI secolo