I pazienti trattati nella sede di San Gavino Monreale del Centro di Salute Mentale della ASL n. 6 di Sanluri nell’anno 2011. Analisi dei dati socio-demografici e delle diagnosi


  • Martino CONTU
  • Costanzo FRAU


mental health, diagnosis, diagnostic categories, socio-demographic indicators, CSM San Gavino, ASL Sanluri


This essay performs an assessment on those patients undergoing any treatments in the quarters of San Gavino in the Mental Health Centre (CSM for its acronym in Italian) of the Local Health Administration Unit of Sanluri from an epidemiological perspective and within a time frame of one year; this Centre operates in a territory made up by 7 municipalities of the former province of Medio Campidano, with over 55,000 inhabitants. By means of the study of the clinical files and the certificates issued to the patients, it has been possible to analyse certain socio-demographic indicators that reveal interesting information for the assessment of the mental health system of the Mental Health Centre of San Gavino. On the other hand, the diagnoses have been made using the same sources and later on, these were classified according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR).





DOSSIER - Salute pubblica e salute mentale nel Medio Campidano (Sardegna) tra XIX e XXI secolo

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