Dall’assistenza legale all’assistenza sanitaria locale. Breve excursus delle riforme del sistema sanitario nazionale e regionale con specifico riferimento al caso Sardegna


  • Guglielmina ORTU


Local Health Insurance, National Health Service reform, Local Health Units, Local Health Authorities


The need of granting hospital care and building a national health system based on Health Insurance arose between the '20s and '30s of the 20 th century, during the Fascist era. In those years, the regime established the first rules on the organization of health services and medical staff in the hospitals. In the '60s and '70s such system was superseded by the National Health Service, which provided the peripheral organization of the Local Health Units, subsequently transformed in the '90s into Local Health Authorities endowed with public juridical personality. Sardinia, with the Law of 26 January 1995, n. 5, started the establishment of eight local health authorities, still existing and functioning.





DOSSIER - Salute pubblica e salute mentale nel Medio Campidano (Sardegna) tra XIX e XXI secolo