Simbología Mariana en la heráldica municipal de la Provincia de Jaén
The aim of this study will be to document the symbolic presence of the Virgin Mary, under different invocations, in the municipal coats of arms of Jaén, both officialised by the Junta de Andalucía, as well as those not yet processed; carrying out a heraldic description, in order to interpret the pieces, figures or heraldic furnitures, which will form part of these institutional coats of arms, which in the majority of cases, will not be done in a spoken form, based on ananthropomorphised representation; or with the Virgin Mary's own coat of arms, or other Marian symbols associated with her figure, but will be represented by other pieces which, in principle, would not have any mariological connection, but which, as a result of our knowledge of the particular history of the different municipalities, we have been able to identify.
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